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   GeoSIG TEL-WLx.xX Wireless LAN Telemetry
GeoSIG TEL-WLx.xX Wireless LAN Telemetry  

GeoSIG's TEL-WLx.xX Wireless LAN Communications System offers versatility and ease of use in a variety of locations and applications.

TEL-WLx.xX allows combining an unlimited number of field stations to one single network, which feature easy data acquisition and maintenance. The authorized user has access to the data from every node inside the network. Additionally it is possible to change the settings of every field station and the equipment attached to it by remote. At the same time the network is fully protected from unauthorized access by WEP encryption and MAC address identification.

The proprietary wireless protocol is designed to address specific shortcomings of the wireless protocols defined by the 802.11 standards. In mission-critical point-to-multipoint environments, where the wireless network must support numerous interconnected LANs, it is crucial that the wireless bandwidth be used in the most efficient manner. TEL-WLx.xX delivers high-performance broadband wireless

connectivity that is not effected by hidden node transmitters, scalability, bandwidth allocation, and excessive packet transmission overhead that standard 802.11 products suffer.

Every wireless module operates either in point to point or point to multipoint mode, selectable by software and by remote. In point to point mode wireless connections up to 100 km are possible. If the distance is shorter the wireless module can be set as a base station, which can connect to 8 other wireless modules.

GeoSIG is able to assist its customers in finding the right equipment for their project as well as in the evaluation of potential telemetry links. Global terrain data allows GeoSIG to calculate line of sight profiles anywhere around the world.

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